In part two of a four part series, this Transnational Lives podcast focuses upon social theory, language, and society and the roles they play in diversity. In this podcast, Sheryl Means, a graduate student within the College of Education, Anna Stone, a graduate student in English, and Jonathan Tinnin, a graduate student in English, speak with Otto Santa Ana about his work within sociolinguistics, his…
Connecting with people from around the world is much easier now than it has ever been before. With the internet, phones, and fast travel, we can build relationships and networks in new ways - breaking through the barriers of national boundaries. This development of relationships and their influence despite national borders is known as transnationalism, a social phenomenon that we will be focusing on throughout a four part series. Join the conversation as we kick off the series with Lauren Copeland, a graduate student from the Department of Gender &…
Our fourth Language Talk: KWLA podcast, National Updates, features co-hosts Laura Roché Youngworth and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby discussing with Jacque VanHouten, 2015 President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, national issues and initiatives relevant to world language educators. Topics include current policy such as bi-lingual certification, curricular and instructional shifts, and advocacy opportunities for educators of languages. If you have an event or idea to share on the Outreach Clearinghouse, please contact Laura Roche (…
In April, 2015, WRD held its end-of-semester ceremony in the Boone Center, commemorating students and faculty alike for their talent and hard work. Afterwards, we caught up with several faculty members and students to ask them about what writing means to them, and beyond them.
On the latest episode of Office Hours, Professor Kyra Hunting stops by to tell Brian and Sarah all about Media Arts and Studies. Join them in learning about the program, Professor Hunting's media research, and some things about your favorite type of media that you may not have known. And stick around as Betsy Beymer-Farris fills us in on her upcoming work in Tanzania.
This week on Office Hours, Brian and Sarah are joined by media guru Kakie Urch, a professor in the School of Journalism and Telecommunications and a leading voice in the founding of our own WRFL! Learn all about radio past, present, and future as Professor Urch takes on a wild ride through the world of broadcasting thought over the airwaves.