Studying abroad is considered an unforgettable experience for many of the University of Kentucky’s students. A typical study abroad program transports a group of students to a foreign country. These opportunities offer new perspectives, connections, and fond memories. The Zolondek Scholarship sets itself apart by offering students the opportunity to travel abroad on their own.
During the summer of 2013, Bailey Ubellacker, a double major of Spanish and …

The Jewish Studies Program at UK is offering an assortment of unique courses this academic year, including Conversational Hebrew, Modern Hebrew literature & film, and the Bible as literature, all taught by a visiting scholar from Israel, Tikva Meroz-Aharoni. Meroz-Aharoni is visiting UK for the entire 2013-2014 academic year to…
T.J. Flynn, a senior working toward a dual degree in mechanical engineering (with aerospace certificate) and physics, and Josiah Hanna, of a senior with a double major in computer science and …
On Tuesday, October 22nd, Tom Godell of WUKY interviewed DaMaris B Hill, a new addition to the African American and Africana Studies program.
"UK Perspectives" airs at 8:35 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. each Friday on WUKY 91.3, UK's NPR station.
All over Kentucky, fossilized brachiopods are common. Rebecca Freeman, a lecturer in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, studies brachiopods and how they interacted with their prehistoric environments according to the fossil record. When I interviewed her about a recent line of research that identified a previously unknown species of brachiopod, I also got a ghost story from Lexington, Kentucky.
This podcast was produced…
During the summer of 2013, UK Junior Mary Kate Elliott joined seven other students from around the United States in a month-long Fulbright summer program in England called the Fulbright Nottingham-Trent University Summer Institute. Elliott is working on a double major in English and French, with a minor in Dance.…